Saturday, June 27, 2015

Girl Scout to PCV

Girl Scouts Shaped who I am.
Written on 6/25/2014
I was looking at my TimeHop App (an app that shows things you've posted on social media for the past years on the same day), and I saw that two years ago today, I was attending Girl Scout Camp as an adult volunteer for the last time before I set sail on my Peace Corps journey.
When I look back as my time as a Girl Scout, I am extremely grateful for all that Girl Scouts has taught me. The slogan of Girl Scouts is "Where Girls Grow Strong" and I know that one of the roots of my strength can be attributed to my years as a scout.
In Girl Scouts, I learned so much more than how to build fires, arch arrows, sew quilts, sell cookies, and all the other activities that filled my vest with badges. I learned skills that have helped me thrive in life, and as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Earning badges taught me that learning can happen in a million different ways, and that some things are easier to learn than others. I learned that mistakes are okay, and recognizing mistakes is not only important, but necessary to improve yourself and your situation.
Organizing events and selling cookies were cornerstones in my success in education and pushed me to grasp leadership positions because I knew I could handle them. I remember planning for the World Fair (where each troop picked a country to research and showcase in a booth) and being so excited that my ideas were heard and acted upon. We went to the library and combed through all the countries different books. We researched a country, picked an activity, and planned entire booth. Our ideas were never shot down, but shaped into possibilities. Our imaginations were never squandered but encouraged. We weren't called bossy, we weren't talked over. We were heard and shown our voices were important. We were given a space not only to learn, but to thrive.
My excitement preparing for small events like the next meeting or big events like a cookie selling both, World Fair, or Girl Scout camp, motivated me to keep planning and keep raising my hand to share my ideas.
The leaders I had throughout my time as a Girl Scout, most notably my mother, taught me that my gender doesn't hold me in limitations. The possibilities are endless. Through Girl Scouts, I met so many strong women that have inspired me to become who I am today. Being surrounded by Strong women that encouraged me to follow my dreams and helped me feel comfortable to grow in which ever way I chose and I am forever grateful for that.
I remember going to camp after a really difficult week and being surrounded by these wonderful, hardworking, strong, caring women filled me with so much love. With all these strong women around me, I felt safe. And that's what kept me coming back to Girl Scouts even after my years as a Scout had ended. I wanted to give back to the organization and the women that made me feel important, loved, and helped me grow into the strong woman I am today.
Most importantly though, I learned the value of volunteering. Sharing your time with others is the most valuable way to donate. Peace Corps is an extension of that very valuable lesson for me. Each day I spend here I am reminded that my time is important and my mothers tragic passing has showed me how important every day is.

My volunteerism throughout the years has brought me so much happiness and feelings of success. Helping change something or someone through spending time cleaning the streets, spending time with someone in a nursing home, helping someone pick out no-cost Christmas gifts for their children, or teaching younger girls how to build a fire..(among other amazing things) is not only a wonderful thing to experience while growing up, but a wonderful way to grow. And grow strong.

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